Wednesday, 12 March 2025

Intelligent Query Processing (IQP) in SQL Databases

Efficient query performance is crucial for modern applications, as databases handle massive amounts of data. Traditionally, query optimization relied on static cost-based estimations, which sometimes led to suboptimal execution plans due to incorrect assumptions.
To address this, modern databases—particularly Microsoft SQL Server—have introduced Intelligent Query Processing (IQP). IQP enhances query execution by automatically adapting, optimizing, and learning from past executions. This minimizes performance issues without requiring code changes.
What is Intelligent Query Processing (IQP)?
Intelligent Query Processing (IQP) is a set of advanced query optimization features in SQL Server (starting from SQL Server 2017 and significantly expanded in SQL Server 2019 and later).
IQP enhances query performance dynamically by making real-time adjustments based on execution statistics, feedback loops, and AI-driven techniques.

How is IQP different from Traditional Query Processing?

AspectTraditional Query ProcessingIntelligent Query Processing (IQP)
Optimization StageStatic, before executionDynamic, adjusts during execution
Query Plan AdjustmentsBased on fixed statisticsAdapts based on real-time data
Handling Plan RegressionRequires manual interventionAutomatically detects & corrects
Performance TuningDBA-driven tuning requiredMinimal or no code changes needed
Machine Learning InfluenceNoneUses feedback loops & AI

Why Do We Need Intelligent Query Processing?
Traditional query optimization relies on cardinality estimation—predicting the number of rows a query will process. However, real-world queries often face:
✅ Bad Cardinality Estimates – Outdated statistics or complex predicates lead to poor execution plans.
✅ Query Plan Regressions – A once-efficient query suddenly slows down due to a bad plan.
✅ Memory Allocation Issues – Queries either over-allocate (wasting resources) or under-allocate (causing spills to disk).
✅ Suboptimal Join Strategies – Poor join selection (Nested Loop instead of Hash Join) causes performance degradation.
IQP fixes these problems automatically, reducing the need for manual performance tuning.

🚀 Key Features of Intelligent Query Processing
IQP introduces a range of powerful enhancements that improve query performance dynamically. Let’s explore some of its most impactful features.

1️⃣ Batch Mode on Rowstore
📌 What it does:
Originally available only for Columnstore indexes, Batch Mode Execution improves the performance of queries running on rowstore tables (traditional tables with B-tree indexes).
📈 Benefits:
    Uses vectorized execution, reducing CPU usage.
    Drastically improves performance for aggregations, joins, and large scans.
    No changes needed—SQL Server automatically enables it when beneficial.
💡 Example:
SELECT CustomerID, COUNT(*)  FROM Sales.Orders  GROUP BY CustomerID;
Without batch mode, this query processes one row at a time. With batch mode, SQL Server processes thousands of rows at once, leading to faster execution.
2️⃣ Adaptive Joins
📌 What it does:
Instead of selecting a Nested Loop Join, Hash Join, or Merge Join at compile time, Adaptive Joins allow SQL Server to switch the join strategy dynamically at runtime.
📈 Benefits:
    Prevents bad join choices due to incorrect row estimates.
    Ensures optimal join selection for varying input sizes.
💡 Example:
If SQL Server expects 100 rows but actually gets 10 million rows, it will switch from a Nested Loop Join to a Hash Join automatically.
3️⃣ Adaptive Memory Grants
📌 What it does:
Allocates just the right amount of memory for query execution instead of over- or under-allocating.
📈 Benefits:
    Prevents out-of-memory issues for large queries.
    Reduces spilling to tempdb, which slows down execution.
💡 Example:
A complex report query initially requests 500MB but actually needs 5GB. SQL Server dynamically adjusts memory allocation for future executions.
4️⃣ Interleaved Execution for Multi-Statement Table-Valued Functions (MSTVFs)
📌 What it does:
Traditional table-valued functions (TVFs) always assumed fixed row estimates. This often led to poor query plans.
With Interleaved Execution, SQL Server delays optimization until runtime to get an accurate row estimate.
📈 Benefits:
    Prevents underestimating or overestimating TVF outputs.
    Optimizes execution plans based on real row counts.
💡 Example:
SELECT * FROM dbo.GetCustomerOrders(@CustomerID);
Before IQP, SQL Server guessed a default row count. Now, it waits until the function runs and then optimizes the query plan dynamically.
5️⃣ Table Variable Deferred Compilation
📌 What it does:
Table variables previously used fixed row estimates, often leading to poor execution plans. IQP defers their compilation until runtime, allowing SQL Server to optimize based on actual data size.
📈 Benefits:
    Improves performance of queries using table variables.
    Prevents incorrect join and index choices.
💡 Example:
DECLARE @TempTable TABLE (ID INT, Value VARCHAR(50));  
INSERT INTO @TempTable SELECT ID, Value FROM LargeTable;  
SELECT * FROM @TempTable JOIN AnotherTable ON @TempTable.ID = AnotherTable.ID;

SQL Server waits until the actual row count is known before optimizing the execution plan.

SQL Server Extended Events: Monitoring Queries Running Longer Than X Minutes

What Are Extended Events in SQL Server?
Extended Events provide a flexible and lightweight framework to capture detailed performance data in SQL Server. They help in diagnosing slow-running queries, deadlocks, waits, and other issues affecting database performance.
Why Use Extended Events Instead of SQL Profiler?
Low Overhead: Uses fewer system resources.
More Powerful: Captures granular event data.
Better Filtering: Allows precise filtering on execution time, database, users, etc.
Replaces SQL Trace/Profiler: Profiler is deprecated in newer SQL Server versions.

Step-by-Step: Configuring Extended Events for Queries Running More Than 5 Minutes
1. Create an Extended Events Session
We will create an Extended Events session to capture queries that take longer than 300 seconds (5 minutes) to execute.
    Open SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS).
    Expand Management > Extended Events > Sessions.
    Right-click Sessions and choose New Session....
    Provide a name, e.g., Long_Running_Queries.
    Under Events, click "Add Event", search for sql_statement_completed, and add it.
    Under the Global Fields (Actions) tab, select:
        sql_text (to capture the query text)
        session_id (to track the session)
        database_id (to identify the database)
    Apply a Filter (Predicate):
        Click Configure, then Filter (Predicate).
        Select duration, set it to >= 3000000000 (300 seconds in microseconds).
    Configure Data Storage:
        Choose Event File as the target.
        Specify a file path for saving captured events.
    Click OK, then right-click the session and select Start Session.

Using T-SQL:
Alternatively, use the following T-SQL script to create the session:

CREATE EVENT SESSION [Long_Running_Queries]  
ADD EVENT sqlserver.sql_statement_completed (  
    WHERE duration >= 3000000000  -- 300 seconds (5 minutes) in microseconds  
ADD TARGET package0.event_file (  
    SET filename = 'C:\Temp\LongRunningQueries.xel', max_file_size = 50MB  

2. Viewing and Analyzing the Captured Events
Using SSMS:
    Expand Management > Extended Events > Sessions.
    Right-click your session (Long_Running_Queries) and choose Watch Live Data.
    Execute long-running queries and monitor captured events in real-time.

Using T-SQL to Read the Event File:
To analyze captured events from the event file:
    event_data.value('(event/@name)', 'VARCHAR(100)') AS event_name,  
    event_data.value('(event/data[@name="sql_text"]/value)', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)') AS sql_text,  
    event_data.value('(event/data[@name="duration"]/value)', 'BIGINT') / 1000000 AS duration_seconds  
    SELECT CAST(event_data AS XML) AS event_data  
    FROM sys.fn_xe_file_target_read_file('C:\Temp\LongRunningQueries*.xel', NULL, NULL, NULL)  
) AS xevents  
ORDER BY duration_seconds DESC;

To stop the session:

To drop (delete) the session: