Monday, 8 April 2019

Cluster log location in 18c

The location of cluster log’s has been changed in 18c to $ORACLE_BASE/diag/crs/<hostname>/crs/trace/

[grid@node01~]$ ls -ltr $ORACLE_HOME/log/node01/crsd
 Total 0
[grid@node01 ~]$ crsctl query crs activeversion
Oracle Clusterware active version on the cluster is []

18c standard cluster:
Name of alert log: alert.log
Location of alert log: $ORACLE_BASE/diag/crs/node1/crs/trace

18c flex cluster:
Name of alert log: alert<hostname>.log
Location of alert log: $ORACLE_HOME/log/node1

13C OEM java.sql.SQLException: Connection Cache with this Cache Name does not exist

Perform the following steps on the OMS server as a work around
1. <OMS_HOME>/bin/emctl set property -name use_pooled_target_connections -value false

2. Restart oms
 <OMS_HOME>/bin/emctl stop oms -all
 <OMS_HOME>/bin/emctl start oms

Note: EM 13c: Target DB Home Page Shows 'Failed To Connect To The Target Database, Regions That Pull Real-time Data' (Doc ID 2474441.1)

Monday, 1 April 2019

CVUQDISK install fails with /usr/sbin/smartctl: No such file or directory

[root]# rpm -ivh  cvuqdisk-1.0.10-1.rpm
Preparing...                          ################################# [100%]
ls: cannot access /usr/sbin/smartctl: No such file or directory
/usr/sbin/smartctl not found.
error: %pre(cvuqdisk-1.0.10-1.x86_64) scriptlet failed, exit status 1
error: cvuqdisk-1.0.10-1.x86_64: install failed
[root@ashprdracvdb11 rpm]#

*Oracle cvuqdisk rpm relies on the smartctl function and smartmontools utilities are not available on this system.

Install smartmontool with yum
#yum install smartmontools
#up2date install smartmontools

[root]# rpm -ivh  cvuqdisk-1.0.10-1.rpm
Preparing...                          ################################# [100%]
Using default group oinstall to install package
Updating / installing...
   1:cvuqdisk-1.0.10-1                ################################# [100%]